Are door-to-door solicitors regulated in any way?
Louisville Metro requires door-to-door solicitors to have a solicitor’s license issued by the License and Permits Division, 444 S. 5th Street, Suite 200, Louisville, KY 40202. (502) 574-3591. The license is roughly the same size as a Kentucky driver’s license. The license is issued to
individuals, not companies; therefore, EACH solicitor is REQUIRED to have one. Unlicensed solicitors should be reported to the police.
individuals, not companies; therefore, EACH solicitor is REQUIRED to have one. Unlicensed solicitors should be reported to the police.
What can I plant or install in the City of Hills and Dales Public Roads Right of Way?
The original developers of Hills and Dales created a dedicated public roads right of way which extends 30 feet from the center of the paved road into your yard. The City Commission maintains the paved portion of the right of way, and you are responsible for maintaining the portion of the right of way that extends into your yard.
If the City of Hills and Dales and/or a utility company needs access to this easement for road or utility maintenance or construction or to address an unsafe condition, you may need to remove what you have planted or installed in the public roads right of way. You can check this public roads right of way and other easements on your property by looking at the survey of your lot.
If the City of Hills and Dales and/or a utility company needs access to this easement for road or utility maintenance or construction or to address an unsafe condition, you may need to remove what you have planted or installed in the public roads right of way. You can check this public roads right of way and other easements on your property by looking at the survey of your lot.
What is the Kentucky DIG Law?
Before you plant a tree or install a fence or build or install anything that might interfere with a buried utility, you must submit a dig ticket. This submission can be made at Your buried utilities will be marked for the benefit of you and/or your contractor.
Where do I report a water main break or a broken fire hydrant?
Report online at
Where do I report a downed wire, gas leak, power outage or street light out?
To report a downed wire, gas leak, power outage or street light out or to view an outage map, call (502) 589-3500 or report online at
Who is the taxing authority for my insurance premium taxes?
The City of Hills and Dales is the taxing authority for your insurance premium taxes. Insurance companies should send the insurance premium taxes you pay to the City’s official address of:
City of Hills and Dales
P. O. Box 22262
Louisville, KY 40252
City of Hills and Dales
P. O. Box 22262
Louisville, KY 40252
How are City of Hills and Dales revenues used?
City revenues are used for trash, yard waste and recycling services, snow removal, utility expenses, maintenance of common areas, road maintenance, legal and professional fees and dues, insurance, entrance security cameras, office expenses and community activities. The City
strives to maintain a healthy reserve for significant future expenses such as road paving.
strives to maintain a healthy reserve for significant future expenses such as road paving.
What revenue sources are available to the City of Hills and Dales to manage its operations?
Revenues resources include the City of Hills and Dales’ property tax that you pay, insurance premium taxes, telecommunications taxes, state municipal road funds and interest on City investments.
When and where are City Commission Meetings?
Commission meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Treasurer Joan Taylor at 3300 Mt. Rainier Drive, unless otherwise notified.
When is trash pickup?
Trash pickup is every Monday and Thursday year round. For more information regarding trash pickup, recycling and yard waste collection services, see SERVICES “Waste and Recycling”.